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Enabling meaningful digital experiences

with personalized omnichannel experiences that respond to customers' real time needs

Personalized & connected

Create new experiences

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The average organization uses 88 applications.

Attempting to deliver a unified customer experience when business processes require employees to jump from system to system to access or manually duplicate the data they need is impossible.

Quickly and easily connect various applications, servers or platforms using a scalable strategy that is built for a changing landscape with data/morphosis teams.

Start breaking down the barriers between disparate systems and establish smooth data flows that enable operational excellence

Eliminate error prone processes

Error prone manual processes

Highly efficient automated end to end processes

Decouple and decentralize

Point to point connections

Decentralized access for multiple consumers

Ensure data availability

Unavailability of relevant data in real time

Formatted data on demand

Our teams use best practices to ensure a healthy foundation for your API network to grow on

Automation is the frontier to digital transformation - leading to exponentially greater benefits and becoming crucial for competitive advantage


Unlock real-time, decentralized access to organizational data now, without relying on easily breakable, tightly coupled connections to legacy systems that can pose significant problems for digital transformation.

Make a decisive step in democratizing and decentralizing access to create and foster a thriving culture

Design, build and deploy API based integrations faster than ever with data/morphosis and Mulesoft's Anypoint Platform

Highly adaptable to any project, we have tailored Mulesoft to help our clients:

• Create a fresh, relevant customer experience delivered through a 360 customer view featuring real time, relevant data-driven insights

• Integrate global solutions into local landscapes

• Ensure synchronization and orchestrate coordination across departments and their systems

• Integrate new sales channels and payment solutions into existing solutions

• Re-engineer and migrate legacy integrations

Automate your business processes for higher productivity and save up to 40%

The tools we use to transform businesses

Mulesoft's Anypoint Platform is fully integrated into Salesforce Flow, a complete suite of automation technologies across the Customer 360 platform that saves customers more than 109 billion hours or $2.19 trillion in business value!

The #1 platform for APIs and integrations provides an all in one solution for API management, development, documentation, deployment, monitoring and beyond - the Anypoint Studio

Mulesoft Composer enables business teams to automate simple processes, access data and IT assets through simple clicks, not code

Mulesoft RPA allows businesses to capture and automate workflows instantly – whether through a UI, document or image, all with point-and-click tools

On average, Mulesoft APIs enable 27% faster automation of business processes, but together we are sure we can do better!

Transition your projects from concept to reality in no time with out-of-the-box connectors and real-time data previews
Easily connect to external systems
Quickly deploy common integrations

Unlock data safely from any app and build integrations using a secure, scalable tool that provides relevant insights in real time
Maintain security best practices
Create secure triggers

Maintain visibility end ensure the security your organization needs for over every integration with the proper tools to manage, govern and monitor
Maintain governance and control
Monitor every integration effectively, without slowing down the business

Transform and modify data using a powerful editor that’s guided and easy to use
Perform complex data processing

Format data for destination systems
Add calculations to your flows

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